20 Haziran 2007 Çarşamba

Distance Learning Programs Cover It All

By: Samantha Kay

College students or would be college students looking at the possibilities distance learning programs offer will soon find out the opportunities are many. These programs have come a long way in a very short time. Where there once were only a few choices in the distance learning arena, there are now many.

Students seeking out distance learning programs should be certain the schools and universities they deal with have their proper accreditation. This is becoming much easier to achieve as more state universities and well known private institutions bring their brand of learning online. Still, it's wise to check. It is also advised to make sure the individual degree program is accredited. A university might have accreditation, but its school of journalism, for example, might not.

Anyone looking at these programs will soon find it is now possible to earn any level of degree offered at institutions of higher learning. Programs common in distance learning include:

  • Certifications: This is sort of the bread and butter of distance learning programs. Certification classes are common for almost every field imaginable. When there is a need to take a certain class for continued employment requirements or to open up doors for a new job, certification programs can generally be found to meet the needs. These range from medical classes and law enforcement certifications to computer science, education and beyond.
  • Associates degrees: The variety of these "entry level" degrees available online from accredited schools is pretty amazing. Everything from computers and business to general study and beyond can be found. These degrees often work well for landing employment and they can also be fantastic stepping stones for advancing onto higher level degree programs.
  • Bachelors degrees: The variety of programs tends to narrow a bit by this level of degree program, but not much. The truth is many programs offered in person can now be found online. From criminal justice and education to computer science, business administration and even psychology, it is possible to find very good bachelor level distance learning programs.
  • Doctorates degrees: Here is where the field really narrows. The most common doctorates programs offered online center on the business and finance fields. Other choices do exist, but with these programs, it is particularly vital to ensure accreditation is in order.

The types of distance learning programs available online will vary with each institution offering them. Some schools provide their full course schedule online; others only offer select programs.

When these programs are selected, it is important for students to check into accreditation and also to be prepared for some work. While the classes do take place online, they are real college-level classes. This means reading, and a lot of it. It also means tests, reports, research and more.

Distance learning programs can open doors for all manner of degree programs. Whether a student is seeking certification in a particular area or they want to go on for a doctorates degree, many programs can be found online, making it easier for students to obtain the education they desire.

For more information on distance learning, try visiting http://www.distancelearningopportunities.com - a website that specializes in providing distance learning related tips, advice and resources including information on distance learning programs.

5 Haziran 2007 Salı

Why You Shouldn't Choose an Online High School?

By: Thomas Nixon

I can tell you that online high schools are a wonderful invention. I can tell you these schools suit many learners. However, I can also tell you that they are most assuredly not for everyone. Yes, students do drop out of online high schools and in numbers that represent a significant percentage of students.

I like online high schools. I have written a book about online high schools. And, yet, I get these heart-wrenching emails from parents wanting to "fix" their child's education. Little Johnny or Little Peggy Sue has been kicked out of their third high school for poor behavior.

How can you know which is the right choice for you and your child? Take a look at these five "rules" and see where you fall. Nothing is absolute. All five of these could describe you and it still may be worth the effort. Only you can know what you are willing to do.

  1. Don't choose an online high school if you have trouble working independently: - Online high schools are most successful for students who can get the job done. If it was hard getting the work done when you had multiple teachers, a guidance counselor, parents, and friends all encouraging you, how much harder will it be when you have to do all that yourself?
  2. Don't choose an online high school if you have been kicked out of many other high schools: - The one caveat is that you have someone in your life who is willing to act like a school teacher for you and push you to get work done. Again, this is not an absolute. Evaluate what gets you kicked out of school. Is it something that will not spill over into your online high school?
  3. Don't choose an online high school if you are not willing to work hard: - This is most decidedly not easier than attending class each day. The drop-out rate for online high schools is significant. You will work hard. You will likely work harder than most public schools require.
  4. Don't choose an online high school if you are not willing to choose an accredited school (no matter how much you may like the program): - Why make your life harder than it has to be? Unaccredited schools are not typically acceptable to employers and colleges. The one exception would be programs authorized by state departments of education.
  5. Don't choose an online high school if you are using it to escape: - I offer this one carefully because the word "escape" has many meanings. Escaping public schools by going online is an acceptable choice. Escaping five-day-a-week school can be more problematic. Often these students think that life would be so much more grand if they could only go to class in their jammies and wake up whenever they like. Be careful!

I still think online high schools are a great option for many students for a variety of reasons. Just make sure that you have thoroughly thought out all of your options before you embark on that new adventure.

About the Author:

Thomas Nixon is the author of Complete Guide to Online High Schools: Distance learning options for teens & adults. In it, he details how to earn a high school diploma online. The companion website, BestOnlineHighSchools.com, is the premier source of information on online high schools. His website is ThomasNixon.com.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Thomas_Nixon