24 Şubat 2008 Pazar

Study Exercise Science to Earn Sports Medicine Degrees

If you would like to learn a respected profession dealing with athletics, you might want to look into sports medicine degrees. Sports medicine training is focused on assisting others in achieving performance goals and maintaining optimum health. Depending on the individual level of degree obtained, graduates can enjoy lifelong professions such as fitness instructor, scientific researcher, sports nutritionist, educator, physical therapist, orthopedic therapist, or sports doctor.

Sports medicine education is focused primarily on anatomy and the application of medical principals to athletics, exercise, and physical performance. The student will be wise to begin with undergraduate studies in biology, chemistry, physical education, nursing, sport nutrition, physical therapy or athletic training. Certification in the various areas of sports medicine can be a good place for the undergraduate to prepare for a degree program. Certificates are also offered in a variety of undergraduate settings, such as trade schools and community colleges.

The field can be called either exercise science (the study of the basic principals that govern exercise) or sports medicine (the medical aspects of physical activity), with lessons combining medical science with exercise. Students will learn primarily about the prevention, management, evaluation and rehabilitation of athletic injuries. Depending on the individual school and the career focus, the curriculum can include information about administering a sports medicine program at various levels.

Advanced degrees can include the Master Degree in Exercise Science, the Master of Sports Science, or the Doctoral Degree in Sports Science, among others. Coursework at the doctoral level requires an additional 60 semester hours over the Master's Degree program as well as a brief residency. To achieve degrees in sports medicine at the doctorate level requires the student to attend lecture and laboratory sequences as well as independent study and directed research. Appropriate minor areas may include rehabilitation science, nutrition, statistics or bioengineering.

Graduates can choose from a variety of exciting and well-respected careers, depending on the level of education and practical experience in the field. Degreed professionals can be found in the positions of scientific researcher, athletic trainer, nutritionist, sports M.D. and educator, among others.

If you would like to learn more about sports medicine degrees, we urge you to submit a request to schools on our website today. They will respond with in-depth information to help you decide if training in sports medicine will be the right educational path for you.

DISCLAIMER: Above is a GENERAL OVERVIEW and may or may not reflect specific practices, courses and/or services associated with ANY ONE particular school(s) that is or is not advertised on our website.

Copyright 2008 - All rights reserved by Media Positive Communications, Inc.

Notice: Publishers are free to use this article on an ezine or website, provided the article is reprinted in its entirety, including copyright and disclaimer, and ALL links remain intact and active.

Michael Bustamante is a staff writer for Media Positive Communications, Inc. and MediaPositiveRadio.com. Find Schools offering Sports Medicine Degrees, as well as Colleges, Universities, Vocational Schools, and Online Schools at SchoolsGalore.com.

8 Şubat 2008 Cuma

The Reputation of Your College and its Importance

Not all colleges are created equal and, just as with people, every college earns a reputation, whether good, bad, or somewhere in between. Now consider that once you earn a degree from a college, its reputation will be associated with you for the rest of your life. Every employer will see the name of the college or university you attended on your resume. Consequently, below are a few reputation-related considerations you should weigh prior to making a commitment to attend.

Famous or Infamous

Is the name of your school instantly recognizable? If so, it is either famous or infamous. Of the two, being famous is the only one better than being unknown. If a college has a bad reputation, it may in fact reflect on you. Schools that are famous can be a huge benefit to graduates; one that no one has heard of won't hurt, but a school with a bad scholastic reputation should be avoided.


Some colleges are only well known for one course of study. This means it may have a bland, or even negative, reputation for other majors, while brandishing a great name in the area of your interest. If you are confident that the one specialty is for you, these schools are a great choice. Just make sure you do not end up at one of them studying outside their specialty.


This may be more crucial than any other factor. Is your college actually qualified to provide you a genuine education? There are many levels of accreditation, and each determines whether the institution is a university or simply a college. It also factors into the availability of a major in the subject you want, because a school must be accredited for each major. Even though its administration may claim to offer a "course of study" in your chosen field, it may not have the accreditation needed to offer that field of study as a recognized major.

How to Evaluate a College's Reputation

Evaluating a school's reputation is more an art than science. Ask older people you know what they think of the college and what it is best known for - then research what they tell you to ensure the accuracy of those comments. Speak with the school's own representatives about your questions or concerns, but don't necessarily embrace all you are told because they have incentive to position the school as positively as possible. Additionally, simply try researching the college via an Internet search engine to see what intriguing information pops up.

A school's reputation is perhaps the most important factor to consider when weighing the impact of your college on your future. If an employer believes you attended one that likely did not adequately prepare you for the job under consideration, it doesn't much matter in that situation whether you loved it and received a great education - it could still reflect poorly on you. Instead, you want the name of your school to help garner instant respect and admiration.

For practical college & university selection information, please visit http://www.college-selections.com, a popular site providing great insights concerning issues that help you with college choices such as New York fashion colleges and many more!

2 Şubat 2008 Cumartesi

Online Education Has The Power To Transform Lives And Fulfill Dreams

Online education is a dramatic development in the advancement of distance learning. A century ago, a person without access to a school or training program could sometimes get the information that they desired through a correspondence course. It was not a particularly efficient way to get an education but it did open doors that might otherwise have been closed. The quantum leaps in technology during the latter part of the 20th century have altered the profile of distance learning.

Students that cannot attend classes at a traditional college campus can now participate in the same course of study as those attending day or evening school. Online education programs are structured such that a student can integrate lessons into their unique daily schedules. Participants have the flexibility to complete their work when it is convenient but communicate with instructors whenever it is necessary. You can now pursue a college degree at your own pace with a course load that is appropriate for you.

Online education is rapidly evolving and courses are available for a variety of subjects. It is possible for someone to finish their high school studies and obtain a GED online. Courses and certifications are also available in a variety of technical areas. An ever-expanding number of degree programs are available. Students can earn a bachelor's, master's or doctorate degree for an impressive list of disciplines.

The Internet is moving well beyond e-mails and e-commerce. Predictions of an Information Age are proving prophetic as the information superhighway carries more and more vehicles transporting ideas opening the door to an education that may have been denied to many. Online education has resulted in thousands of virtual classrooms that offer the possibility for accomplishment and advancement for all.

In an age where everyone and everthing is stretched too thin it is refreshing to know that the Internet provides legitimate resources that allow almost anyone to learn about almost anything. You can now feel confident that life and opportunity are not passing you by. Higher education is noiw available to any person with the drive, the desire and a personal computer.

Terry McDermott is the administrator of the Lifelong Learning Center at http://www.lifelonglearningcenter.com, a website that supplies resources for those seeking information about educational opportunities online.