25 Mayıs 2009 Pazartesi

Online Education - Top 7 Reasons to Go That Way


let's talk about the online education these days. I'm not talking about just reading news/forums on the Internet, I'm talking about REAL ONLINE EDUCATION - with teachers, students, mentors, classes, courses, tasks, .... That kind of things.

I'm sure that everyone who is thinking about his/hers future nowadays knows that constant education is a necessity that can't be avoided. It doesn't matter if you have a college degree (or even a higher title), or you are a humble high school graduate with no work experience, you will need to educate yourself in order to be competitive in today's world.

The days of «I've finished my college and I'm done with learning!» ARE GONE FOR GOOD! Today especially in the light of the world crisis that is going on.

Every skill, every special knowledge, every bit of information and education that you have can be your crucial advantage over other people that apply to the job you're after. Do you know how to write a great travel column, or can you say that you are educated to work with disabled students, or would you describe yourself as a person who is well trained in using various computer programs (Microsoft Office, Photoshop, Premiere... or any other program needed in today's modern way of doing business)? What about speaking foreign language?

Of course, not everybody can afford to pay high dollar investment in a regular education. So does that mean that the doors are closed for you? NO! You have a chance to use the greatest thing that is constantly changing our lives past decade - the Internet. Beside all the rubbish and all the useless things that we can find in the "great web", we can also use it to our advantage. How?

Very simple and almost effortless. You need a place where you can get the information, where you can decide what level of education you need in the area of your interest, the place "where the knowledge is at home". So it can be your place of relaxed learning. Of course, the prices have to be as low as possible so you can afford the courses.

The place I will recommend is called Ed2Go.com, and there are many good reasons for me to do so.

First of all, it's a place that's here for over a decade now, and it's still the leader in the field of online education. In this world where everybody is trying to sell you something (or even offers it for free) and claims to be the best, it is very hard to "stay above the water". But, the quality and the quantity of courses offered in the Ed2Go is still unreached by others. And it is constantly growing...

Second thing is that Ed2Go provides the highest-quality continuing online education courses. This means you get the best education and it can go much deeper in the subject than a regular online course you can find somewhere else (which mainly contains of tutorials with general information and no value in real-life situations)

Third, ed2go provides outstanding online courses that are delivered through over 1,800 top colleges and universities. If it's good for all these universities and theirs students, there is no doubt it is of high value for you also.

Fourth, the intensity and speed of your learning is yours to choose. You are the boss of your time!! If you are a working mother with no time to travel 1 hour to the other part of the city to sit in a class for 45 minutes and drive 1 hour back home, you will love the fact that your lesson is just a click away.

Fifth, the amount of courses is so big, you will probably never need to search any other place on the Net. From Creating Web Pages to Accounting Fundamentals, Speed Spanish to Grant Writing, Medical Terminology to Real Estate Investing, and much, much more. There is almost 300 online courses !

Sixth (and my favorite because I think this is the most important aspect of learning): your learning is mentored by real people. You will not just be given the information and left alone. Oh no, every course includes an instructor. That means your way through the knowledge is watched over, and there is always the possibility to ask questions and get real answers from real people. You won't find any tutorials here!

Last, but not the least, the courses are affordable. How much would you pay to have your personal mentor available to you every day, all the materials (books, scripts, real-life examples and tests proven in many real-life situations)? It would cost you well over a 1000$, but not here. The prices are set around 100$ per course, so it is really great value for your money. Where else can you have all the above mentioned things for this kind of money?

Let me come to a conclusion: If you are a person in need of affordable, easy to follow, mentored and high quality online education, the place for you is Ed2Go.com. In our world of overwhelming information overload, it is very important to find a good system of learning, a system designed and led by highly educated teachers and professors with many years of experience.

I hope that my article helped you with information it offers. I try to give on objective information, based on facts that are easily provable in just a few clicks.

Have a good day.

6 Mayıs 2009 Çarşamba

The Advantages of Having an Online Pharmacy Technicians Training

With our rapidly increasing pharmacies, clinics and medical outlets, the demand for pharmacy technicians increase as well. They are the ones who assist pharmacist with basic duties and task with the exception of giving out medical advice. They fill prescriptions, count pills, measure liquids; keep track of medication movement and so on.

To gain a better position in this field, it is only wise that you take it up professionally through education. In times of today, many universities and teaching schools have accredited pharmaceutical courses online. There are many benefits of enrolling yourself for these courses, these are:

  • Convenience. Online courses, also known as distant learning allows you to study wherever and whenever at your own pace and in the comfort of your own room. All you need is a pc and the interest, and you're all set to go.
  • Better salary. With a certification behind your profession, you would be able to start your job with a better pay instead of working your way from the bottom.
  • Less pressure. By studying at home, you do not stress up or get intimidated by peer pressure and such. You are given the chance to study at your capability at which you are most comfortable.
  • Cost less. As you would be studying in the comfort of your pajamas, you would not need to pay campus fees, facilities fees and such. In a long run, it would be a lower investment cost. So studying online would help save you some money in comparison to studying in school.
  • Less stressful. As you would not need to wake up at unearthly hours, iron clothes and get to a class on time.

To cut a long story short, gaining a certificate online has many advantages from conveniences to higher salaries. It is only a matter of effort, so if you're interested in being a pharmacy technician, start enrolling now.

For more information about pharmacy technician continuing education and pharmacy technician certification, visit PharmacyTechnicianEssentials.com.