2 Ocak 2006 Pazartesi

Why Every College Student Should Study Abroad?

By Lee Frankel

The benefits of studying abroad cannot be underestimated. There is no downside to studying abroad and the upside is huge. From learning a new language to gaining a better understanding of world politics, studying abroad can make you a far more desirable hire to potential employers. If the person interviewing you also studied abroad, it can be the key to making that connection with them that sets you apart from the others.
Here are four things that you will learn abroad that will set you apart from your classmates who don't study overseas.

You will have a better understand of foreign politics
Not only will you gain a better understanding of the general politics of a country, but you'll understand the bureaucracy as well. If your company needs to get something done overseas and you know how to work through the system, you will be that much more valuable to your employer.

You will learn a new language faster than taking a class
Your average language class meets for 45 hours per semester. Your average day abroad involves 16 hours per day of immersion in a new language. So, in 3 days abroad you hear and are immersed in a language more than you are in a class for an entire semester! It is also much easier to learn a language when it is being used in normal day-to-day situations. Sure, you can learn the basics by reading a textbook or listening to a teacher, but nothing will make you understand a language better than being immersed in it.

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