7 Mart 2008 Cuma

Online Court Reporting Schools Leap Into 21st Century

Online training for court reporters has taken a leap into the 21st century, making it easy to learn the newest scoping technology. It is exciting to think of all the possibilities and opportunities available to the well-trained court reporter today.

The profession has evolved quite far from the traditional stenographer we all remember from the pas, with fingers blazing across the stenograph machine trying to keep up with the legal proceedings. Today's court reporters are trained in the newest scoping technology as well as a technique called voice writing, where the technician speaks into a hand-held device. It is easy to find great online schools for court reporting, and you can learn these new technologies in less than a year.

Courses can vary from school to school, but most will offer a certificate of achievement that will suffice for many jobs in the legal system. Some students will prefer to spend a bit more time, and get an associate degree in court reporting with about two years of online study. The great thing about online schools is you can usually study at your own pace -- take your time to learn to be a court reporter or scopist; or push yourself to graduate even sooner.

To learn the profession of court reporting takes a lot of drive and determination, especially if you are learning online. The judicial system relies heavily on court reporters, and it is important to all parties (judges, jury, attorneys, plaintives and defendants) that court proceedings are accurately recorded. If you are a detail-oriented person who takes pride in getting things right, you might be the perfect candidate.

Good training can also qualify you for positions outside the judicial system. You can learn to transcribe dialog in live speeches and performances; or write closed captions for televised broadcasts. There are several other exciting possibilities, and you can ask for specifics when you begin contacting schools for court reporting.

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To get started on a new and exciting career in the legal system, visit SchoolsGalore.com today. Perform a search for Online Court Reporting Schools and you may soon become a key player at the pinnacle of all the excitement the courtroom can provide!

Michael Bustamante is a staff writer for Media Positive Communications, Inc. and MediaPostitiveRadio.com. Find Online Court Reporting Schools and Colleges, Universities, Vocational Schools and Online Schools at SchoolsGalore.com, your resource for higher education.

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